
Showing posts from June, 2019

Role of Parenting Programs in Early Childhood Development

Parenting programs across the world are aimed at improving parent-child relationships and getting a parent to contribute their best for a child. Most of the parenting programs provide support and information to make parents more accomplished and expert in raising their child. This demands a parenting program staffs to come up with a more family oriented approach and must be centred professionally to build parenting capacity. The key takeaway for parents, in this case, includes treating their child with dignity and avoids comparison with other children of their age. They must be trained to make informed choices and emphasis on the family choice before anything else. Child development requires  activities for toddlers  that are family-oriented and make them comfortable around parents. These programs must also include participation from children at an optimal level to improve the outcome and drive results ensuring child growth. The parenting support programs are feature-rich

How to develop your child’s mind and body through holistic education?

A holistic approach to child development is really different than the normal approach. Usually, parents would want their children to be good academically or perhaps want preschools to add more value to core studies. On the other hand, a holistic education will touch every aspect of child development that indoctrinates better human qualities. A clean slate that early childhood is, imbibing something great will promise a fruitful future. And this is why early education should include  holistic child development  starting from the preschool itself. One of the core improvements in these early years is that of growing child’s mind and body. The age is crucial especially because it can make or break the child’s future. Enrolling your child in Ahmedabad’s finest preschool ensures your child get right environment build strength in all ways – mind and body. Following early holistic education approach for creating, better mind and body of your child will involve spiritual development